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作者 台灣e新聞   


台灣人俱樂部 2012-05-15



1. 胃食道逆流

2. Cold Shock 冷休克

3. 心臟血液循環不良

4. 攝護腺腫瘤

5. 手腳冰冷、汗溼黏,急需查明原因

6. 皮膚呈灰暗黑色,急需查明原因

7. 呼吸不順、胸悶胸痛,急需查明原因




Dr. Kuo:Abian's Life in Danger

◎ Jay Tu 2012-05-15

After the radio interview on May 16th, Dr. Kuo accepted a TV interview on May 17th. He pointed out a new symptom in addition to what he discussed on the radio. The key cause of all his symptoms and the factor that would aggravate all of his symptoms is STRESS!!!

The stress, to which he is subject, causes his sympathetic nerve system to function over 95%, according to an instrument used by Dr. Kuo to check him on May 9th. Note that a normal person is about 50% with sympathetic and 50% parasympathetic nerve system of the autonomic nervous system. By imprisoning President Chen in such a small cell (60 sqft for two) with no shower, no table, no bed, no chair, and poor hygiene (no flushing toilet), damp and no air circulation, and limiting him to 30 minutes a day outside, the claustrophobia pushes President Chen to his mental limit after over 1250 days. He could not even sleep with his legs fully stretched. In a way, Dr. Kuo considers Ativan could be beneficial if it was prescribed with patient's consent and with proper amount. However, President Chen now refuses to take any prescription drugs from the Tao-Yuan General Hospital because he has lost confidence with the doctors from this hospital. After 14 months of taking Ativan unknowingly, President Chen has shown symptoms of addiction. By suddenly stopping taking it, all symptoms got amplified. The drugs he stopped taking include those for high blood pressure, blood thinner, stomach, etc. Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, which is supposed to take over President Chen's medical care, claims that it is not ready to accept President Chen because it does not have all of his previous medical records. After the hospital received the records from Tao-Yuan hospital, it claims that it is still waiting for the records from National Taiwan University Hospital. This has shown that Chang Gung Memorial Hospital is already under political pressure.

The symptom he described in the radio interview:

1. Out of breath/chest pain/chest pressure problem: These symptoms are most likely due to Stomach Acid Reflux. The previous medical records indicated that a gastroscope test was performed in the past and signs of Acid Reflux were discovered. However, no medical treatment was prescribed. Most likely cause of this problem is that President Chen was forced to write by lying on floor often with a full stomach because he does not have a table or a chair. Dr. Kuo advised him not to write on stomach anymore. Stomach acid reflux, if left untreated, can lead to death when serious.

See the link below:

Washington Man Dies After Parametics Diagnose Acid Reflux

2. Heart condition. President Chen's heart is working very hard and the artery issue can be controlled via prescription.

3. Hands and feet are extremely cold and wet. With his heart working this hard, the blood some how still cannot reach limbs. As a result, the heart is asked by the body to work even harder. This indicates a serious blood circulation problem, which must be examined in a medical center to find out the cause. This is potentially a cold-shock case, which concerns Drs. Kue and Ko the most. Again, this is a potentially fatal condition.

4. Dark skin. President Chen got only 30 minutes a day to see the sun but his skin is very dark even in the belly area. Dr. Kuo stated that this can be an illness which he cannot reveal yet. However, if this illness is what he thinks, it is very serious illness and, again, potentially fatal.

5. Prostate tumors, in comparison, are not as urgent as the conditions above.

In conclusion, Dr. Kuo stated that he would send President Chen to an intensive care unit right away with the above symptoms. However, they examined him on May 9th and one week later, the prison authority still takes no action to grant him any treatment. Dr. Kuo prescribed a medicine for the Acid Reflux problem but the prison authority refuses to allow President Chen to take it citing that Dr. Kuo only met President Chen as a visit, not as a medical checkup.

The reason the prison authority considered Drs. Kuo and Ko's examination as a regular visit is because the application by President Chen's family to hire their own doctors has not been granted. The application was submitted on April 27 but it has not been returned by the department of justice.

From all of the evidences above, it is clearly that the government is doing what Jack Healey said it should not, "Using a prison system to kill an opponent is savage and ruthless. The present government of Taiwan must not maim and kill using the slow and painful death by neglect."

source: 台灣e新聞

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最後更新 ( 2012-05-18 )
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