As teen recovers from Taliban hit, Pakistanis demand answers'I have the right'
Malala spoke to CNN last year about her blog and her brave assertion that girls should go to school.
"I have the right of education," she said. "I have the right to play. I have the right to sing. I have the right to talk. I have the right to go to market. I have the right to speak up."
.........Malala 在部落格提倡女孩子應該上學的主張,去年接受CNN訪問時說:”我有接受教育、享受娛樂、唱歌、與人對談、上市場、公開談話的基本人權”
Her writing earned her Pakistan's first National Peace Prize and encouraged young people to take a stand against the Taliban -- and to not hide in their bedrooms.
她因為這些文章,獲得巴基斯坦國家和平獎,並且鼓舞了年輕人勇敢對塔利班表達對抗立場,不再只是躲在棉被中不敢出聲 .......
Malala 有228台灣神的道德勇氣, 天佑之!
.....積台灣建國之力,慈民主人權之悲,佈忠國之大愛,則天地之正氣與您等同在,矜恤弱勢,捍衛台灣,須伸張無堅不摧的道德勇氣。 ....