A Chinese lady tried to crash Keep Taiwan Free Rally at Time Square.
台美人公民協會(TACL)的主席廖泰德(Teddy Liaw)於紐約"守護台灣加入聯合國"示威活動演說時,激昂的嗓音激發了所有參與者及路人的熱情,卻也讓場邊一位中國女士不停地對著台上大罵髒話,並激動地試圖扯下活動台上的布幕干擾活動進行。此舉激發了民眾更堅定守護台灣自由的意志,並全場不間斷地高喊KEEP TAIWAN FREE。廖於台上表示尊重此人言論自由,因為民主正是中國最缺乏的元素。
This video captured the latter part of an incident transpired at the UN for Taiwan Rally on Saturday, September 17, 2011 . If you can provide the first part showing how the offender was trying to mess with the stage set up by pulling the backdrop and then vehemently kicked the lady in the leopard hoodie in this video, please kindly contact me. We have filed a compliant with the CCRB and any additional information would help.
The gist of the incident: A US citizen who tried to verbally (only saying "You need to stop. Go away.") curb a mad foreign student from endangering the lives of others on stage was physically attacked (forcefully kicked on the left thigh) and the offender got away without any consequences even with police presence.
NYPD police released the battery suspect, who also attempted to sabotage the UN For Taiwan Rally stage earlier. According to the police "What she (offender) did was not her fault, and you need to understand that, she (offender) has only been in the US for 3 months from China". The police appeared to be giving the victim reasons to justify the offender's act of violence. When asked for an apology from the offender, the police said that the victim was unlikely to get one and that he had scared her badly already.