

  美國總統布希政府的國務卿 Colin Powell,及聯合國人權委員會主席 Robinson 發表共同聲明,要維護世界人權的公義。Colin Powell 表明美國新政府的態度, 認為美國維持一貫的精神,要保護人權,以人權重於國權的要求,希望世界各國能體念人權為建國基本要求的聯合國原則,其鎖定中國、伊拉克或現在的種族主義風潮。

  美國發言人轉述 Powell 的說法,美國將準備於2月23日發佈每年度的全球人權報告,這件事已經照會中共駐美國大使,同時 Robinson (聯合國人權委員會主席)亦表達對中共迫害人權的不滿,於三月間會在日內瓦舉行世界人權會議,而中共的人權問題會再被提起。可是非常遺憾的是,中共的反應,卻是一再警告世界人權政策干涉中國的內政。


Powell, Robinson compare notes about human rights

Feb. 10, 2001 ---

  Secretary of State Colin Powell and U.N. human rights chief Mary Robinson compared notes on the promotion of civil and political liberties here Thursday, focusing on mainland China, Iraq and an upcoming conference on racism.

  State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said Powell had told Robinson the United States remained committed to pushing for improved human rights standards around the world and would support the conference to be held in the South African city of Durban in August and September.

  Powell said the new U.S. administration of President George W. Bush wants to“keep in place the policies that demonstrate American concern for human rights,”Boucher told reporters after the hour- long meeting.

  Powell and Robinson, a former president of Ireland who serves as UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, also talked about the importance of pushing Beijing on human rights, Boucher said.

  Powell raised the subject in a meeting shortly after taking office with Beijing's ambassador to the United States and Washington is preparing to release its annual global report on human rights on Feb. 23.

  That document has in the past taken heavy aim at communist China for failing to observe international rights standards, drawing stern rebukes from Beijing which regards such reports as interference in its internal affairs.

  Robinson has also spoken out against the situation in mainland China and is expected raise the issue again before the annual U.N. Commission on Human Rights meeting in Geneva which begins in March.


      1. 西藏宗教迫害問題。
      2. 法輪功被迫害事件。
      3. 美國售台軍事武器事件。
      4. 捉捕異議份子事實。
      5. 反中共暴行的網際網路事件。
      6. 打擊新疆政治異議人士事件。
      7. 中共一胎化,強迫墮胎事件。
      8. 公安與法官違反人權事件。
      9. 核武發展與核試爆事件。
      10. 六四天安門事件。


  台灣要在夾縫中生存,必須以四兩撥千金的方式應付中共的威脅,另方面則保留台灣的國格,成為亞洲人權、民主的模範生,並加緊軍力自保,方足以面對未來 。