July 31,1998---Al Gore, Trent Lott

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Taiwan Tati Cultural
And Educational Foundation
B16F, No.3 Ta-Tun 2St.
Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C
July 31, 1998.

Dear Mr. Vice President Al Gore,
   Mr. Trent Lott,

"Taiwan was raped by Beijing for a long time".

The Beijing-based association for relations across the Taiwan Strait yesterday (July 28, 1998) turned down a proposal by the Straits Exchange Foundation(SEF) to further discuss the planned mainland Chinese trip of SEF chairman Koo Chen-fu.

However; work hard of meeting from Taipei and Beijing, there are a very huge barriers between both side. The barriers is that

A. Beijing's speaking that Taiwan is only a part of China.

B. Taiwan government under control of Beijing authority.

C. Taiwan problems are Beijing domestic affairs, not any countries can interrupt it.

Where to find the Taiwan's speaking?

Beijing said it would seek to achieve national unification by peaceful means, but that it will not renounce the use of force. "Every sovereign state has the right to take all means it deems necessary including military means, to safe guard its sovereignty, and territorial integrity." said the white paper on defense issued in three years.

On Monday (July 26, 1998) claimed it has the right to use military force against Taiwan and expressed opposition to other countries selling weapons to this island or placing it under their defense protection.

We can predict that Taiwan businessman in mainland China will gradually loss their position of preferential treatment when investments of mainland are making enough turmoil to Taiwan economy.

Mainland China's persistent refuse to renounce the use of force against Taiwan and its increased efforts to block foreign countries from selling weapons to this island are a remind that Taiwan must invest more in the development of advanced military technology and sophisticated weapons.

Taiwan has no choice but to maintain a strong defense capability only with the backing of strong defense force.

Will it be possible for Taiwan to negotiate unification issues with the communist mainland on and equal footing and in a mutually favorable manner.

From Beijing's domination; it say, "Reunification is a only way for Taiwanese. If not, it has the right to use military force against Taiwan".

At least in my limited experience---there at least appears to be a correlation among ethnic Taiwanese between depth of immersion in classical Chinese culture and strength of reunificationist sentiment.

Taiwanese aren't feeble-minded people, Taiwan is a democratic sovereign state.

Taiwan need your help, because of Taiwan was isolated, not only Beijing government, but also by world's injustice.



Sincerely Yours,
Yang Hsu-Tung.
President of
Taiwan Tati Cultural
And Educational Foundation


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