Gossip M

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Gossip M

"All of us who grow and live on this soil today are Taiwanese people whether we be aborigines or descendants of the immigrants from the mainland who came over centuries or decades ago. We all have made equal contributions to Taiwan's development in the past, and share a common responsibility for Taiwan's future. It is a non-transferable duty for each one of us, the New Taiwanese people, to convert our love and affection for Taiwan into concrete actions in order to open up a grander horizon for its development.

It is also our responsibility to establish a magnificent vista for our descendants."

... from the Road to Democracy by Lee Teng-hui

In my view, this kind of statement is the most importance in Taiwanese people, but President Lee said isn't focus on any one of candidates.

... Lee said local voters should not elect to the presidency a person who may "sell out" Taiwan (November 21, 1999).


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