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TMD :How Will Recast Security   
   And Diplomacy In East Asia?
Peter Brookes  August 17,2000

生活大學學習彌勒托天氣功 鍛鍊強健體魄
    The great unexamined story today regarding ballistic missile defense (
BMD) in Asia is the unspoken effect that actions by the People's Republic 
of China (PRC) are having on America's consideration of its own future 
missile defenses. The Clinton Administration decries missile programs in 
Iran, Iraq, and North Korea, but for some inexplicable reason it fears 
mentioning the "C" word: China.
    The White House says hardly a word about China's ongoing ballistic 
missile buildup, its irresponsible proliferation practices, or its robust 
strategic modernization program. I am at a loss to explain why this silence 
persists. China's national security policies and practices are critical to peace 
and stability in Asia and to American interests. The PRC's actions are 
having a direct effect on American deliberations about missile defenses. 
We must make this clear to Beijing.


    In perhaps the most benign strategic security environment it has ever 
experienced, the PRC is pressing ahead with an ambitious conventional 
ballistic missile and strategic nuclear force modernization program.
    While most perceive that the threat of war has receded, China is 
increasing the size and capability of the People's Liberation Army's (PLA) 
ballistic missile and strategic nuclear forces--known within the Chinese 
military as the Second Artillery. Regrettably, this development presents the 
United States, its friends, and allies with anew strategic challenge in Asia 
that must be considered and addressed.
    Though many downplay China's conventional military and nuclear 
force modernization, the PRC has tested the DF-31, a land-mobile, multi-
stage, solid-fueled intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of 
striking the west coast of the United States.
    The DF-31 is a significant technological leap over the twenty or so of 
the 1960s-era, silo-based, liquid-fueled CSS-4 ICBMs China currently fields.
 When it is deployed, the DF-31 will be the world's second type of the more
 evasive, less vulnerable land-mobile ICBM, following the Russian SS-25.
    The PRC is also developing a submarine-launched version of the DF-
31 and an even longer-range mobile ICBM, the DF-41. The JL-2 submarine-
launched ballistic missile, with its 8,000 kilometer (km) range, will give the 
Chinese the capability, for the first time, to target parts of the continental 
United States operating from maritime areas near China's coastline. Its 
deployment, which is expected in the latter half of this decade, will 
enhance and broaden China's strategic force structure and increase its 
nuclear deterrence capability.
    The DF-41 ICBM, with a range of 12,000 km, is also scheduled to be 
deployed later this decade, and is expected to be capable of reaching targets
 anywhere in the United States. The Cox Committee report released by 
Congress last year assessed that both the DF-31 and DF-41 will carry 
multiple warheads. It is further unclear whether these new systems will 
replace older systems or augment the existing force structure. If these 
missiles are meant to enlarge the current force, it would represent an effort
 by Beijing to improve both the quality and quantity of its strategic nuclear
 arsenal. Into its ballistic missile force, China has already deployed over 250
 short-range ballistic missiles (SRBM) opposite Taiwan. This number is 
expected to grow to over 650 missiles in the next five years, according to 
the Pentagon. These mobile missiles, which can be redeployed to areas 
other than the vicinity of the Taiwan Strait, pose a potential threat to South
 Korea, Japan, and U.S. forces stationed there. This missile buildup is 
undermining stability in the region.
    A September 1999 National Intelligence Council paper, "Foreign 
Missile Developments and the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States 
Through 2015," reports that in 15 years China will likely have tens of 
missiles targeted against the United States including a few tens of the more
 survivable mobile missiles incorporating smaller nuclear warheads 
influenced by U.S. technology gained through espionage.
    The Cox Committee report estimates that the Chinese will deploy over
 100 ICBMs with over 1,000 warheads by 2015. Yet others estimate that the 
PRC will field an even more muscular force of between 150 and 200 
ICBMs by 2010.
    According to the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service, China 
has increased the range, accuracy, survivability, reliability, safety, mobility, 
and response capability of its strategic and conventional missile forces, and 
in the future could employ a multiple, independently targeted re-entry 
vehicle (MIRV) capability with improved penetration aids and 


    Further exacerbating the situation are China's proliferation practices. 
Beijing sells missiles, equipment, and enabling technology to Iran, Pakistan,
 North Korea, Syria, and Libya. The Director of Central Intelligence reports
 that the PRC remains a "key supplier" of technology inconsistent with 
nonproliferation goals--particularly missile and chemical technology. China 
is primarily responsible for Pakistan's nuclear program. These policies and 
practices undermine American interests and destabilize both South Asia 
and the Middle East.The Clinton Administration asserts this upgraded 
conventional missile and strategic force capability is consistent with China's
 general military modernization program. Others are less sanguine about it.
Though the Chinese Second Artillery has not yet achieved parity with U.S.
forces, these developments will clearly improve the PLA's war-fighting 
capability, alter the dynamics of deterrence in the region, shift the balance 
of power in Asia, and be a source of instability.


      但削弱台灣政治力量,而 WTO 的影響,亦造成中共資
    These changes pose many unanswered questions: For instance, what is 
driving this arms buildup? Would China threaten the United States, or its 
forward-deployed forces, with attack if Washington interfered with  
Beijing's policy toward Taiwan or took military action against North Korea
? Over time, how credible will American extended deterrence in Asia 
remain? Will Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea see a need for their own 
nuclear option or an offensive missile program?
    Will Delhi feel compelled to increase its missile and nuclear arsenal 
leading to an arms race with Beijing and Islamabad and greater instability 
on the South Asian subcontinent? How will Russia ultimately respond to a 
growing Chinese nuclear and missile capability? Clearly, in any 
confrontation with Beijing--political or military--Washington would have 
to be mindful of the PLA's improved strategic operational flexibility and 
sophistication; how these changes limit American freedom of action; and 
how they influence our friends and allies. The question remains: How 
should the U.S. respond?
    First , Washington must insist upon a dialogue with Beijing on nuclear
 and missile issues, especially its ambitions and intentions. It is unlikely that
 the Chinese fully share American logic on security issues and a high-level 
discourse on this matter leading to greater transparency and understanding 
is critical.
    Regrettably, the PRC to date has been unwilling to discuss the Second 
Artillery in a substantive manner--perhaps so as not to draw attention to its
 force modernization or be constrained by arms control initiatives.
    Resistance by Beijing to engage in a colloquy would make attempts at
 confidence- and security-building measures unfeasible. The nuclear and 
missile issue must be made a priority of any security dialogue with Beijing,
 and China must understand the consequences of its modernization efforts 
on the United States' decision-making process regarding BMD.
    An inexplicable PRC strategic forces and missile buildup will also 
reinforce the view of the "China threat" in the U.S. and in the region and 
may create a security dilemma in Asia resulting in an unintended and 
spiraling arms race with Tokyo, Taipei, and Delhi.
    Second, the U.S. must consider strategic arms control with Russia in 
the context of China. Further reductions in the U.S. ICBM force under 
START III  or any other agreement  will  increase the ratio of Chinese to 
U.S. forces and may have an effect on the capacity of American deterrence
 in Asia.
    Washington must not view its arms control initiatives with Moscow in
 isolation from Beijing's strategic modernization efforts. The U.S. should 
fully consider the consequences of changes in American nuclear force 
capability while China is increasing the size and sophistication of its arsenal
    In this regard, Washington must conduct a comprehensive review of 
its strategic force structure, plans, and policy and undertake a reevaluation 
of the threat to properly assess the effects on American national security 
arising from modifications to the nuclear triad. To this end, getting China 
to affirm its nuclear weapons ceiling is paramount if the United States is to
 move forward with certain arms control initiatives and further 
contractions in its force.
    Considering the many open questions regarding China's future in the 
international arena, parity or near nuclear parity with the PRC is not in the
 U.S. interest at this point. In addition, Washington must also make clear to 
Moscow that the Kremlin's desire for further reductions in nuclear 
stockpiles may be tied to Russia's restraint over the transfer of strategic 
systems or technology to Beijing. Washington must not aid, abet, or tolerate
 those who assist China's emergence as anuclear or military peer competitor
 of the U.S.
    Third, the development and deployment of a robust, highly capable 
American BMD program must go forward with all deliberate speed. 
Washington should stop denying that there is a link between China's 
nuclear modernization, conventional missile buildup, and proliferation 
practices and the requirement for BMD. These issues are related.
    Claiming that missile defense is the product wholly of North Korea 
and other "rogue" states is disingenuous and the Chinese do not believe it 
anyway. BMD is directed at missiles, be they Iranian, Iraqi--or Chinese. The
 U.S. must take the appropriate steps now to shape the strategic 
environment in Asia. Accordingly, a vigorous expression of U.S. concerns 
regarding China's strategic buildup and a firm statement of Washington's 
willingness to proceed with a highly effective BMD program may lead 
Beijing to rethink the utility of its modernization program and proliferation
    There is an arms race in Asia and it began with China's buildup of 
missiles opposite Taiwan. Washington must acknowledge the possibility of 
conflict with the PRC--especially over the issue of Taiwan, or even North 
Korea--and plan accordingly for preserving and protecting U.S. national 
security interests and those of our friends and allies.
    Not surprisingly, the Chinese have vociferously condemned American 
BMD programs as destabilizing and an instrument of American hegemony.
 But Beijing must comprehend that the development and ultimate 
deployment of these defensive systems are in part due to China's increased 
offensive capability and proliferation practices.
    In fact, Chinese strategic modernization has been underway for over 
15 years and predates the current missile defense debate in Asia. It is 
further widely asserted that China's strategic force upgrades--including 
MIRVing--and expansion will proceed regardless of a decision to deploy 
    The PRC's international arms control and diplomatic crusade against 
missile defenses is most likely an effort to deflect attention from the real 
issue: the direction, scope, and pace of China's strategic nuclear weapons 
and ballistic missile program and its desire to retain and broaden this 
asymmetric capability.
    Contrary to the assertions of Beijing, a regional arms race will be 
based upon the deployment of Chinese offensive missiles and the PRC's 
perceived regional and global ambitions--not the fielding of American 
ballistic missile defenses. Chinese claims to the contrary are a "red herring."

    Changes in Chinese capability, doctrine, and proliferation practices 
require an appropriate response from the United States to deter and, if 
necessary, defend against it. There will certainly be consequences to the 
deployment of American missile defenses, but the cost of inaction to U.S. 
national security in the face of the evolving Chinese missile threat and 
proliferation to countries of concern greatly outweighs the cost of action. 
    The development and deployment of American BMD systems will 
provide greater freedom of action and a broader range of policy options 
and potential responses to the American National Command Authorities 
than our force structure would without them. U.S. strategic forces--
including missile defenses--must retain the capability to deter wars, 
preclude crises from evolving into major conflicts, and to win wars rapidly
 and decisively should it become necessary.
    The PRC is pursuing the power-projection capability to deter, and, if 
necessary, defeat any adversary in a conventional or nuclear military 
conflict over resources and territory around China's periphery.
    Regrettably, in an era where much international effort has been put 
into reducing the need for nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, China, in 
spite of its public statements, appears to be moving counter to the times.
    As international security talks with Beijing resume after the hiatus 
that followed the accidental bombing of the PRC embassy in Belgrade last 
year by NATO forces, it is time for the United States to bring the arms 
race being precipitated by Beijing and the Chinese Second Artillery front 
and center of political-military discussions with the PRC in an effort to 
stem misperceptions, preclude a dangerous arms race, and ultimately avoid 
the deadly risk of miscalculation and military conflict.
    -- Peter Brookes is the Principal Adviser for East Asian Affairs with the majority staff 
of the Committee on International Relations of the U.S. House of Representatives. The views 
expressed here are his own. 

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