Taiwan Forum 台灣論壇 (I)

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Taiwan Forum 台灣論壇 (I) 

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--- 來自美國Josephine 的看法( June 12, 2000 AM 3:31):


The people of Taiwan are passionate, friendly, warm, generous and sometimes naive in nature. Taiwan has participated in a multitude of charitable and humanitarian aid and rescue work worldwide. This relief work has also taken place in China despite the fact that the Chinese government has been quite hostile towards Taiwan. When catastrophe happens, anywhere, at any time, Taiwan will send, more often then not, a rescue team to aid victims.


--- 來自alert的看法( June 11, 2000 PM 8:50):


The government in Beijing is clearly intent on becoming the dominant East Asian power; it has an interest in keeping U.S. forces at bay and it has the means to take

advantage. So long as American fleets lurk just over the horizon, China will fail in its ability to redraw a new regional order.


But if the current situation in the Pacific continues to deteriorate, it could allow Beijing to reach for an unconventional lever. The goal is not the destruction of the U.S. 7th Fleet; the goal is merely to make access, transit and the concentration of forces thorny. All China would need to do is take advantage of this emerging belt of instability, increase the risk of passage through the central and southern parts of the Pacific Ocean and divert U.S. ships. Instead of, say, showing up unchallenged off of an Asian coast, American forces would have to first figure out how to get there.


In particular, the Chinese have concentrated on developing a generation of land-based anti-ship missiles, including cruise missiles. Already, these missiles have made American planners pause and consider that Beijing can at least partly enforce a blockade of Taiwan.


--- 來自Wilson Yang 的看法( June 12, 2000 PM 4:29):


Unfortunately, the idiots in Washington are too stupid to remember the historical lessons, realize the potential dangers, and do something about it.


Taiwan Status …

--- 來自澳洲Lloyd Fan 的看法( June 16, 2000 PM 3:18):


Taiwan's undetermined status was resolved in 1991 when it gave up claiming sovereignty over mainland China, which makes it clear that its defined territory is limited to the Taiwan area. The ROC's occupation has been legitimized by the past decade's democratization, which has allowed people to decide the future of their territory.


Reports On China …

--- 來自George Dukes 的看法( June 17, 2000 AM 6:25):


Members of Congress are growing angry at the Pentagon's refusal to provide several reports on China required by law. It appears the report violates the central tenet of Clinton administration policy toward China: Do nothing, say nothing and write nothing that will portray China as the growing military threat it is.


Precondition or Issue

--- 來自Carl Nicolai 的看法( June 22, 2000 AM 12:45):


This is standard Communist line, not just CCP line, for generations. Basically, you must conceded something that they can use as leverage to mean you lost the whole issue. "Negotiations" are just a way to surrender, not a way to arrive at common ground. This sort of thing is the reason China is NOT going to peacefully reunify

with Taiwan at any time. It appears that the Marxist habits of thinking are so deeply infected in party members they truly are not members of modern civilization.


Marxism or Capitalism

--- 來自Timothy K. Gallaher 的看法( June 22, 2000 AM 2:14):


So many people say this -- almost always pro-China, i.e. pro-CCP. But they overlook the fact that the economic aspect is only a part of Marxism and a small part at that. Marxism is a philosophy and a worldview and while the communists have "gone capitalist" to some degree, their thinking is still very much Marxist. The most apparent aspect of this is the victim mentality.


Accept “One China”

--- 來自Wilson Yang 的看法( June 29, 2000 PM 6:46):


Americans won their independence -- through courage, perseverance, sacrifice... Nothing is free. In order to obtain and maintain liberty, democracy, and peace, people must work very hard for them, and even fight for them.


--- 來自George Dukes 的看法( June 30, 2000 PM 6:13):


Given the situation President Chen is in, I cannot say he is doing the wrong thing. I think that a-Bian is trying to be tactical: he needs to be like that in order to be able

to walk this treacherous political tightrope, and square such an impossible circle.


--- 來自Wilson Yang 的看法( June 30, 2000 AM 7:10):


224 years ago, American forces which were made up of local militias with poor training and equipment against the "Red Coats" was more effective than actions by the Continental Army. Also, as early as the beginning of 1996, group of Taiwanese Americans have already formed the "volunteer defense force" and prepared to go into action in case of emergency.

Finally, as the American Patriots said 224 years ago, “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death


--- 來自Yi-Tun Hsiung 的看法( June 30, 2000 AM 8:57 ):


When you are at Chen’s position, you will finally realize the pressure, from the U.S., from China and from different voices within the Formosan Island. He is compromising and I think he is approaching his bottom line. I don't think he would yield any more hospitality toward China. Instead, this is their term right now.


--- 來自Sidney Trevethan 的看法( June 30, 2000 AM 12:02 ):


Perhaps he was trying to buy some time. The White House perhaps has told him the US will NOT defend Taiwan if invaded, period. While many in Washington think this position could not be sustained, and that, as in 1996, Congress would force the hand of the President, nevertheless, it must be worrying. One should not bet a nation will do what its leaders say it will not!


--- 來自wongXIII 的看法( June 30, 2000 PM 1:50 ):


Taiwanese people are also CHINAMAN this is an undeniable truth! American's revolution is mainly triggered by the despotism and revenue act imposed by the British...It's completely different from Taiwan's political and economical situation! The truth is that the Mainland China provided Taiwanese businessmen opportunities of making money! (It's sorely because the vest majority of Taiwanese people admit themselves as Chinese!)


--- 來自Jonathan Lin 的看法( June 30, 2000 PM 8:50):


Nobody expects Chen to declare independence right now, but I think going back to 1992's "one China, different interpretations" is a big step backward, especially after LTH's "state-to-state."


--- 來自Mark Ballora 的看法( July 1, 2000 PM 3:46):


There is the reality that there’s a lot of Chinese stuff on Taiwan. Much of it is hundreds of years old. Also, there are a large number of people who feel that they share a common heritage/language/culture with the Chinese people.


--- 來自Sidney Trevethan 的看法( July 1, 2000 PM 3:29 ):


In my analysis made in 1999 that Taiwanese air superiority would only last for a while. If Japan and the USA backed Taiwan, it might be a different story.


War most often comes from miscalculation. The most common miscalculation is how easy it is for our side to win. The more confident you are your side will win, the more likely it is YOU are miscalculating. Ambiguous is not the worst of situations.


--- 來自Jun Ishi 的看法( July 1, 2000 PM 3:29):


As long as U.S. Japan Security Pact is kept, Japan must back Taiwan with U.S. if a conflict happens in "areas surrounding Japan. I don't like some radical ideas like quick Taiwan Independence which intensely stimulates China.


--- 來自Charles Ou 的看法( July 2, 2000 AM 8:04):


Whether Taiwan wants to become a part of PRC is up for the 23 million Taiwanese to decide. They have to decide in a democratic process, not under the threat of “yes or death”. The world should make sure that it remains that way. The right of 23 million Taiwanese should be respected in the process.


--- 來自留澳學生John Shu 的看法( June 30, 2000 PM 3:36):


I personally would prefer to see Taiwan as an independent country. However, I am supportive of Chen's policies, that of elongating the status quo. Realistically, at the present moment, independence is impossible. The fact is most Taiwanese want to live a peaceful life, keep the status quo and not go to war!!


--- 來自Timothy K. Gallaher 的看法( July 3, 2000 AM 3:14):


The reaction to Chen's comment was that it seemed to be a move backward and a concession made without any reason. The issue shapes up like this. The CCP demand "one China". They define it as the PRC. They have worked diplomatically and in terms of their propaganda to make one China be equal to the PRC.


The upshot is that any acknowledgment of one China became tantamount to acknowledging Taiwan as part of the PRC or be not sovereign.. That is why last year Lee came up with the State to State comment (which was only a clear enunciation of their policy since 1991 -- the CCP knew this, but US experts didn't seem to notice).


Reunification or Independence

--- 來自wongXIII 的看法( June 29, 2000 AM 8:58):


I'm a Taiwanese as well as a Chinese. I wish to see peace and prosperity and the reunification of China! The Truth is JOIN UP OR DIE! One China two 2 or 3 systems suited Taiwan the best!


--- 來自Marisa Chang 的看法( June 30, 2000 AM 4:01 ):


I'm a Taiwanese and period. I've never been to China, my parents, grandparents and everybody in my family were born and raised in Taiwan, therefore you should understand why I'm most indifferent towards China.


--- 來自wongXIII 的看法( July 2, 2000 PM 12:31):


In both Germany and Korea cases there was a sense of nationality, a strong common culture, and a single language for the vast majority of people in both parts of a relatively medium size country.


China, on the other hand, is not a nation at all. It is an empire, a forced unification of a group of lesser nationalities under the involuntary rule of a larger nationality, the Han. It is most unlikely that China as it is presently constituted will remain unified and almost certain its period of expansion is nearing an end.


Even if Taiwan were forced to join China, it would not last. The ONLY path that MIGHT allow for this analysis to be incorrect would require the tiger to change his spots: the CCP would have to give up absolute control and share power to such an extent that ALL the nationalities constituting greater China would WANT to be part of the system.


--- 來自wongXIII 的看法( June 29, 2000 AM 10:15 ):


Re-unification of China is inevitable or it is an irresistible force... look at examples such as East and Western Germany + Sth and Nth Korea etc...


Misunderstood with some of the major concept and accidentally linked the hard-won democracy - What Taiwanese people struggled for centuries, with the reunification of China. I knew that no one wishes to be purchased at the price of slaves... however it doesn't means that the Communist China will deprive freedom and democracy from us...


--- 來自Sidney Trevethan 的看法( June 30, 2000 AM 5:28 ):


There are now more than 200 sovereign nations recognized as such. Taiwan may even be one of them. Entities which are not economically viable or militarily defensible are not commonly regarded as nations. But the paramount deciding factor is the will of the people involved.


China is much more likely to follow the disintegrated model than it is to continue expansion -- particularly if it does not learn to respect the wishes of local peoples.


Market Size …

--- 來自Wilson Yang 的看法( July 2, 2000 AM 6:37 ):


Of the 1.3 billion population in the mainland China, only about 300 million live in urban areas at coastal provinces where much of the economic developments took place. The remaining 1 billion are dirt poor and live in rural and inland areas with virtually no real economic developments. Those 1 billion people do not have any real purchasing power at all.

If population numbers really matter, then consider this: Couple decades later, when the mainland China's population reaches 1.4 billion, India's population will be 1.6 billion. Shouldn't India be the more important potential market than the mainland China?


--- 來自Marisa Chang 的看法( July 3, 2000 AM 3:19 ):


Population size in India is still smaller than China, but it is still the second largest population in the world. In terms of education and labor skills, these countries are not similar. It means the potential market while talking about the size of the Chinese’s.


After Reunification …

--- 來自wongXIII 的看法( June 29, 2000 PM 8:20 ):


Reunification of the country embodies the fundamental interest of the Chinese nation and its people. After national reunification the two sides of the Taiwan Straits can pool their resources and make common cause in economic development and work towards China's resurgence. Us the Taiwanese compatriots will share the pride and glory of a great nation with their kith and kin from the other parts of the motherland.

Reunification of China will not only bolster the stability and development of the country itself, but also contribute to the further enhancement of the friendly relations and cooperation between China and other countries as well as to peace and development in the Asia-Pacific region and the world as a whole!


--- 來自Marisa Chang 的看法( June 30, 2000 AM 11:27 ):


It seems to me that Taiwan has done pretty well so far. I'm proud of what the Taiwanese people have achieved. We don't need China to improve our living standards.


--- 來自Sidney Trevethan 的看法( June 30, 2000 PM 1:02 ):


If Taiwan WERE reunified with the rest of China under the present regime, two serious factors make this certain: a) The reunification process (certainly by force -- even after 100 years) will be at a great economic cost to China and the substantial destruction of Taiwan's economy; b) The nature of the regime effectively precludes allowing the Taiwanese economy to function at present levels of efficiency, even after being rebuilt. The rebuilding process would be protracted since the capital required would be enormous.




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