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Taiwan Forum 台灣論壇 (II)

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Jun-30 11:59 am

From: TATI5



由古巴小童 Elian 的事件,到台灣陳總統對中共善意成為對比。

Castro personally supervised a patriotic crusade to bring Elian home, mobilizing millions in rallies across the island. It is a political victory for Fidel Castro’s government?

The result upset the turbulent history of Cuba-US relations, I believed that the U.S. side’s thoughts it would let Cuba a projection of emotional release from long time of Cold War overtones.

Many Asian economics are recovering vigorously, but the region’s leaders are still smarting from the deep wounds inflicted by the 1997-98 financial crisis. No longer trusting the United States or the international institutions for protection.

We think that is the same emotions as Castro’s stress. In Taiwan side; its new government wined from democratic election that ballot has told world people, the Taiwanese people stated their willingness to support democracy and independent style obviously.

The new President Chen gave his honest goodwill to Beijing but in vain, President Chen faced criticism after conflicting remarks on his mainland China policy provoked confusion and accusations that he was giving way to Beijing.

We don’t know who could give him a hand ,U.S. would support him? Most of Taiwanese people thought President Chen do always right way, we trust Americans as we believe President Chen’s decision.


Jul-5 11:53 am

From: TATI5





Why the Taiwanese people has the worrisome anxiety for preparing to war's thoughts? Taiwan new President Chen gave too much good gestures for the peaceful negotiation with Beijing but reject quickly. President Chen’s manners were recognized as too soft which hurting the minds of his struck supporters. We think that many American people are ignorant about Taiwan's strategical position .


Jul-5 5:05 pm

From: ShenValTech




With the greatest respect for Taiwan, don't be too optimistic about the US providing protection from China's aggression. The Democratic and Republican parties of the US have ALREADY ignored opportunities to hold China responsible for the human rights violations of its own citizens and threats toward your nation.

Many in the US feel that the current DEM administration has compromised our own security with regards to China, and has been all too willing to accept money and trade as the payoff. Similar allegations have been made against previous REP administrations, although not as openly documented as the current DEMs. In short, both of our major political parties are concentrated on two things: MONEY and POWER. Both parties see the Chinese markets as a source of wealth and power that surpasses TAIWAN.

Like you, many Americans regret that our government has replaced principle with greed. It is unfortunate that a country based on the idealism of freedom and democracy should be faced with the challenges ahead.


Jul-5 11:35 pm

From: TATI5

To: ShenValTech



Very thanks for you to concern about Taiwan's situation. Chen, a former foreign minister who also once served as the ROC government spokesman and deputy representative to the United states also assured legislators that he will do his utmost to push the U.S. government to sell military hardware needed for safeguarding Taiwan's security. It is not his wish but also our Taiwanese wills.

In our view the defense weapons need perfect training program that teaching soldiers to use such kind of advanced tool. To face the truth; the money and power were handled by Beijing's hand. Taiwan could follow the meaning of U.S. government.

Nevertheless; no countries in the world can control Beijing extend its power either economics or military force. We worry that if the monitor's system would not work on Beijing's activity in our world under censorship of international law, the 5 - 10 years after that Beijing could be the world's power first.

sincerely yours


Jul-17 1:39 pm





"Taiwan new President Chen gave too much good gestures for the peaceful negotiation with Beijing but reject quickly". The answer is No.

The headquarters of China Democracy Party unites in Beijing

State about several ideas welcoming the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee to be made the great adjustment of strategy to the Taiwan policy recently.

The headquarters of China Democracy Party unites pays attention to the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee that serve as secretary-general with Mr Jiang Zemin, and for relaxing a tense situation of Taiwan, the peace striving for the homeland unifies, and recently on the Taiwan policy, has clearly made that the great strategy adjusts. This also is the results of positive promotion by both of Korea peak talks, and Mr. Chen Shui-bian who is tenth President (Min Jin Party) of Taiwan the Republic of China, and to the continent appears once and once of good will. To show sincerely happy and welcomes to this to the China Democracy Party.

The headquarters of China Democracy Party unites and expresses further several ideas for the great adjustment of the Taiwan policy to the Chinese Communist Party as follows: 

1. China Democracy Party advocates " good system of one country " in her << meeting the new century declaration >>, namely view homeland unifies the high civilization and under high democratic fine system that at two banks the people all can accept. But setting out from reality, as passing through, China the Democratic Party also approves of and advocates passing through the consulting with understanding of good will, and from the long-range development for the Chinese nation, and two banks are unified earlier the centre that is in the nation form of the federation or the confederation under which would be neither " the Republic of China " nor " the People's Republic of China ". We welcome the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee to continue considering this idea . We advocate the coming China federation ( confederation ) nation, and the capital should decide in Nanjing.

If Jiang Zemin secretary-general could really make the determination, surmounts every difficulty, pushes forward that the outer and within Chinese and the two bank authorities co-operates and reaches the purpose together under this objective, and Jiang secretary-general will be first a great man that founds China peace to be unified the great cause on history!

2. We pay attention to " that approaches this to the a China not right and wrong " that the vice premier of Qian Qichen newly explained, and just is being not in " the People's Republic of China " or " the Republic of China " "spinning " as long as persisting in one China. Not only probably for coming federation or confederation new China has opened the way to this, but also for two banks immediately clears away various obstacles, for instance the plane shipping that almost can not solved the problems formerly which are enters a port the a string of flag and that two bank governments leaders meet title of a technical or professional post, just all probably gains the settlement under the new policy.

It is the result of the altogether civil war of country that two banks divide. The new political power of the Chinese Communist Party is not perished traditional political power of the Republic of China. They respective exist on a land of China, and the distinguishes is only between how many population and dimension of region. Since we do not continue the civil war, since we are not in order to deceive small by great, oppressing the weak by sheer strength, we want unifying and peace, like that firstly should equally admit the existence of the other side mutually, otherwise, there is not other way-out except making a battle again! Wants China the Republic of China does not fight and lowers the banner accepts " one country, two systems " is one's own wishful thinking at all. " one country, two systems ", the foundation is the policy under the cold war thought. Now, new the putting forward of policy of vice premier's of Qian Qichen " that approaches this to a China not right and wrong " has brought hope for breaking this deadlock. China Democracy Party is showed the welcome very much.

3. We pays attention to what newly explain of Chi Haotian who is P.R. China minister of National Defense when he met Ke En who is USA minister of National Defense: Beijing leaders " has no intention use force deals with Taiwan ". No matter whether or not the force of the Chinese Communist Party is big and powerful in being enough to conquer Taiwan with one action, always the war is to a suffering that is hard to bear the Chinese nation. The continent people do not hatred Taiwan fellow countryman's who have be enjoying the peaceful and democratic and prosperous life, only admire, and why they will let intimate sons and younger brothers shoot to open fire with artillery out the plane fellow countryman going the most extremely oneself, and goes to lose blood at the Taiwan strait? Every family in Taiwan, who has memorial table being enshrined and worship to continent forefather, do not hate the continent people. They more are not willing to fight with continent people. If but the war imposes to their heads, believes in that the Taiwan people absolutely the have determination and the will of " receives closes the ashes, make a last-ditch stand before the city wall ". The result of war will be jade and stone burned together, and the life of the construction of painstaking care of in the half century two banks people and absolutely thousands will be thrown into the ashes. Only those frenzied bloodthirsty fascist's molecules just can madly cry " having beaten in the ruins builds again! " Henceforth if the speech of Chi Haotian minister of National Defense has showed the new adjustment that the Chinese Communist Party was to Taiwan policy, speak the reason to the Taiwan people, and speaking equally but not threatening force pressure Taiwan people that China Democracy Party also show the welcome very much.

4. We pay attention to showing of good will to admit from the president of Taiwan the Republic of China Chen Shuibian " one China, respective explains ". We also pay attention to Xie changting who is Min Jin Party candidate chairman to explain " Gaoxiong city and Xiamen are two city of China (under China the Republic of China constitution) ". And positive two-city mayors' promotion exchange visits. We think, and this all will be adjusted to the Taiwan policy for the Chinese Communist Party, and acts the very positive effect. The China Democracy Party welcome this aspect to continue to develop, and do not retreat; We hope that mayor Xie Changting and Zhu Yayan can realize exchange visit in an early date that the two banks people wish it for a long time already. It will help to the higher layer of level on two banks until the highest layer of exchanging visits of leader of level for from now on, and accumulation experience, the reclamation road.

China Democracy Party believes in, as long as the two banks leaders and the two banks people earnestly and sincerely the effort, the peaceful an ...[Message truncated]


Jul-18 6:08 pm


To: TATI5 unread



Please Releasing Arrested Leader's of China Democracy Party (CDP)

Name list ( 36 people )

The principal aim of China Democracy Party serve as " the public spirit is the most supreme, for the masses serves ". The political principle of China Democracy Party serve as " makes public, the rational, the peace which mean the non- violence ".

Xu Wenli One of Four Chairman of CDP in Beijing under sentence of 13 years.

Qin Yongmin One of Four Chairman of CDP in Wuhan under sentence of 12 years.

Wang Youcai One of Four Chairman of CDP in Zhejiang under sentence of 11 years.

YuXinjiao Chairman of China Nation Revival Party in Shanghai under sentence of 15 years.

Cha Jianguo Executive Chairman of Unites Headquarters of CDP in Beijing under sentence of 8 years.

Gao Hongmin Execution Committee Member of Unites Headquarters of CDP in Beijing under sentence of 7 years.

Wu Yilong The member of whole nation preliminary committee of CDP in Zhejiang under sentence of 11 years.

Mao Qingxiang The member of whole nation preliminary committee of CDP in Zhejiang under sentence of 8 years.

Zhu Yufu The member of whole nation preliminary committee of CDP in Zhejiang under sentence of 7 years.

Zhu Zhengming The member of whole nation preliminary committee of CDP in Zhejiang under sentence of 10 years.

Xu Guang The member of Zhejiang preliminary committee of CDP under sentence of 5 years.

Ye Youfu The member of Zhejiang preliminary committee of CDP under sentence of 3 years.

Yang Qinheng The member of CDP in Shanghai under sentence of 4 years.

Fan Yiping The member of Guangdong preliminary committee of CDP under sentence of 4 years.

Yang Tao The member of Guangdong preliminary committee of CDP under sentence of 7 years.

Liu Xianbin Chairman of Sichuan headquarters of CDP under sentence of 9 years.

Yu Wanbao Vice chairman of Sichuan headquarters of CDP under sentence of 8 years.

Chen Zhonghe Chairman of Hubei headquarters of CDP under sentence of 10 years.

Xiao Shichang Hubei Secretary-general of Hubei headquarters of CDP under sentence 7 years.

Liu Shizun Chairman of Liaoning headquarters of CDP under sentence of 12 years.

Wang Zechen Vice chairman of Liaoning headquarters of CDP under sentence of 12 years.

Wang Wenjiang Vice chairman of Liaoning headquarters of CDP under sentence of 11 years.

Tong Shidong Chairman of Hunan headquarters of CDP under sentence of 8 years.

Guo Chengming Committee member of Liaoning headquarters of CDP under sentence not clearly.

Cai Guihua The member of Shanghai preliminary committee of CDP under sentence not clearly.

Yue Tianxiang Chairman of Gansu Province headquarters of CDP under sentence not clearly.

Guo Xinmin Committee member of Gansu province headquarters of CDP under sentence not clearly.

Wang Fengshan Committee member of Gansu headquarters of CDP under sentence not clearly.

Yu Feng Chairman of Hebei Province headquarters of CDP under sentence not clearly.

Zhang Youju Committee member of Hebei Province of CDP under sentence not clearly.

Li Zhiyou The member of Guangxi preliminary committee of CDP under sentence not clearly.

Fu Shenping The member of Shanghai preliminary committee of CDP under sentence not clearly.

Han Lifa The member of Shanghai preliminary committee of CDP under sentence not clearly.

Liu Jin Vice chairman of Hebei Province headquarters of CDP under sentence not clearly.

Zhang Jian Vice chairman of Hebei Province headquarters of CDP under sentence not clearly.

Liu Xianli The member of Anhui province preliminary committee of CDP under sentence not clearly.


Wang Xizhe

The Standing Chairman of unites headquarters of CDP

Putting in order issues

On June 13, 2000 San Francisco United States


Jul-18 6:42 pm


To: TATI5 unread




Like all aggressors, (Hitler was the model, Napoleon was another,) Red China is treading that same old well worn path. That path has two lanes. One is military, the other political. Red China is covering the one with the other.

She intimidates militarily all her neighbors, and the world generally, threatening daily to unleash nuclear war on mankind, while at the same time pushing over the scared and timid dominos. Some she buys like the Panamanian Government, others she intimidates into "going along to get along" like Formosa and Japan.

We will wake up and find she has "flipped" an astounding number of these timid sisters. Japan might "flip" anytime. When and if that happens we are doomed, and I mean doomed. 

We will all die in a Red Chinese Gulag that will make the Death March on Luzon look like a picnic. It is conceivable that the whole western world will be genocided to death by racist Red Chinese Nazi conquerors before this is over.

The New Mongol Horde is at the gates of Europe and America. This is not racist against other Asians, just as other Germans were not Nazis, but it is a racial threat nonetheless, just as the Nazis were a racial threat, and the Japanese were a racial threat....

We just have to face this now before it is literally too late...

I predict Red China will topple all Asia into her orbit, and roll up the whole of Latin America like a rug all the way to the Rio Grande. We will face Red Chinese troops on our southern border.

Then she will, as part of this strategy, make a Concordat with the Vatican just like Hitler did, turning Red China's 100 million Chinese Catholics into human cannon fodder.

She will subvert Africa, and even intimidate Israel into cooperation.

Russia will be co-opted as an ally or neutralized, perhaps by a new strike by Germany against Russia in alliance with China.

Germany and China are the likely partners to do us in. The Germans still hate us like poison, and the French always have.

Doesn't look too good does it? Sit back and watch it happen....


Jul-19 9:18 am





Please permit me to recommend this piece of essay. The author Wang Xizhe who is one of the four chairman of CDP, was in communist prison for 15 years for Chinese democracy cause. After read this piece of essay, you could understand what appearance that Chinese democrats have.

Wang Xi Zhe;s speech at the hearing on China Issue held by the Human Rights Committee of the UN

March 29, 2000

The Dream of Freedom

Ladies and Gentleman,

Thanks to Ms. Lisa and the Ambassador Palmer, I can come to this forum to speak

on behalf of Chinese Democratic Party.

I am one of the four chairmen of CDP. The other three, Xu Wen Li, Qin Yong Min and Wang You Cai are looking at us expectingly from the deep darkness of Chinese Communism prisons. 

Everyone knows that, a great historic event occurred in Taiwan recently: the opposition party, Democracy Progress Party, has won the presidency election after over 20 years struggle. This is the first time in history in a Chinese society that the power of ruling was changed peacefully.

CDP announced its founding openly in the June of 1998, when Chinese government signed on the two UN Human Rights Agreement, when President Clinton visited China. CDP aims at a free market economy; equal competition between parties. It is against social injustice and corruption. It believes in: "openness, legality, rationality and non-violence". It is totally in agreement with the human rights agreements by UN.

At that time, CDP was still too trusting to CCP government: although CCP government has never been serious about its own promises to Chinese people, it has been rather serious about its promises to the international society. Therefore, CDP concluded that its organization was safe since it came into being based on UN's human rights agreements which CCP government had just signed. Yet, on November 30, 1998, CCP government arrested the three most outstanding leaders: Xu Wen Li, Qin Yong Min and Wang You Cai (showing photos). Xu was sentenced in jail for 13 years; Qin was 12 years; Wang was 11 years.

Their arrests caused immediate protests by Overseas Chinese pro-democracy organizations and the international society. I went on hunger strike with a few others at the gate of UN building in NYC in the coldness of 20+ Centigrade below zero for 7 days and 7 nights. Regrettably, due to the problems in overseas Chinese pro-democracy organizations, this protest didn't get the expected success.

In May and June of 1999, more CDP leaders were arrested, they are Zha Jian Guo, Gao Hong Ming, Liu Shi Zun, Wu Yi Long, Zhu Yu Fu, Zhu Zheng Ming, Liu Xian Bin, Wang Wen Jiang, Wang Ze Chen, and more. They were all sentenced severely. CDP leaders are almost all in the prisons now.

Yet, CDP is not destroyed. They are still managing to develop their organization stably, still publish their underground journals, hold seminars on democracy and human rights, comfort and compensate the families of the suffering, dive down to the grass root to let known their beliefs. On the eve of the new millennium, they bravely published their Announcement of CDP in Greeting the New Century. In this Announcement, CDP systematically puts forward their opinions and policies in solving the problems in China. Here's China Affairs which has published the English translation done by Dr. Du Zhi Fu.

We appeal to all the nations and peoples for your support to the suppressed CDP; We appeal to you for your support to all the dissidents, religious people, and work unions. (Mr. Hu An Ning is going to introduce about them.)

We appeal to the Human Rights Committee of UN to pass the motion to condemn the human rights conditions in China. The pressure from international society is the main push toward CCP government for a real political reform. UN should supervise CCP to practice what they have agreed upon the two UN human rights agreements, and release all the political prisoners.

If the pressure from international society can push CCP pay real heed to human rights, this will be the biggest contribution we made to world peace and to the human beings.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dr. Martin Luther King said, he has a dream, a dream that all races, all peoples can live peacefully together.

Today, we also have a dream, a dream that 1,300,000,000 Chinese people can enjoy all the human rights and freedom and democracy, just like Taiwan people today and many other democratic nations, that Chinese people can enjoy a life without war, without oppression, without fear. This is United Nations, we are standing here today to swear that we are going to make this dream come true.

March 29, 2000,

At the auditorium of Human Rights Committee of UN, Geneva.


Jul-19 10:22 am

From: TATI5




I believe that Democratic china would become true in the near future, if communist china could negotiation with ROC on equal position, we think that one china one democratic system is not a dream only.

In Taiwan we never forget about 6-4 massacre and those who sacrificing on democratic activities, I really understand that the hope of democracy in Chinese, it need democratic Taiwan to more fixed its foot over supporting for the over-sea Chinese democratic activity.

That is not to strike down mainland China, what we want are going to a kind of pressure from international law.

On the other hand; the rich Chinese would ask more freedom.


Jul-19 6:10 pm





Permitting me to recommend one piece of famous folk rhyme of China please, it has vividly depicted the face of the China official of today.

Smoking basically by sending,

Drinking basically by the tribute.

Salary does not spend basically,

Wife does not be used basically!

Let me explain please:

Cigarette of Chinese official is sent by businessman. Alcoholic drink of Chinese official is sent by businessman. Chinese official disuse their salary because they accept bribes. Chinese official do not make love with their wife, because they have mistress outside.


Jul-20 PM 3:02



Dear sir/madam,

In Taiwan; the DPP as a democratic advanced party for about 20 years ago, there are many people were put in jail for 2 - 15 years, we call that time was white terror.

If mainland Chinese people were poverty and on civil war that communist China would ruin in destruction of corruption. But, you could find the truth that every country wanted to make friend with mainland china because of its big deal of Business, on the contrary; democratic voice and human rights was instead of massive economic advantage over good relationship between Beijing and other countries.

Unfortunately; the only hope of effecting to mainland China's developing its democracy is Taiwan.

In our view; EU, US, other democratic countries in the world very care about Beijing's warning, warning …


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