July 12,1998---Newt Gingrich, Trent Lott, Al Gore

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Taiwan Tati Cultural
And Educational Foundation
B16F, No.3 Ta-Tun 2St.
Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C
July 12, 1998.


Dear Mr. Newt Gingrich,
   Mr. Trent Lott,
   Mr. Vice President Al Gore,

There are no human rights in Taiwan that related to Beijing authority. Many Taiwan residents, though, seem convinced that unless they capitulated to Beijing and agree to become another Hong Kong, they face invasion' or at least a continuous nightmare of political and security pressure. Taiwan intelligence sources say that the mainland Chinese military establishment is geared up for two aims only; control of the countryside and eventual attack on Taiwan.

The concern here is that the mainland, in pushing for reunification, has refused to give Taiwan choices other than the so-called "one country, two systems" formula as the means for its merge with the communist-ruled Chinese mainland.

This unification formula actually aims to force Taiwan to recognize the People's Republic of China and bring it under Beijing rule as the central government. But the vast majority of the residents on this island refuse to be ruled by the communists.

Beijing has said it will not hesitate to use force if it is necessary to achieve unification. The communist regime surely also believe that a Taiwan, military weakened and internationally isolated, will be less resistant to merge with the Chinese mainland. If Beijing's commendable policy no-first-use of nukes is working, that swear of use of force against Taiwan should be accepted by its authority.

Taipei lost its U.N. seat to Beijing in 1971, when both governments claimed there should be a single China seat. Again, the situation has changed. Five years ago, Taiwan began seeking a separate U.N. seat from mainland China's. The United States has never backed Taiwan's efforts, but Clinton's statement amounts to a new presidential commitment foreclosing that possible.

Taiwan have been apart from mainland China for about four hundreds years, and now, we have a democratic government and living in prosperous.

As we have known; the important and favorable geographical position is the best reason for Beijing urging on reunification; even more, that populous Taiwan and worse of its military force at the recent period, encouraging Beijing insist on "one country, two systems" with tough attitude.

On above reason; we need your help.



Sincerely Yours,
Yang Hsu-Tung.
President of
Taiwan Tati Cultural
And Educational Foundation


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