--- 台北市政府回函。(10. 17, 2000)

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台北市政府回函。(10. 17, 2000)

From: < mayor@mail.tcg.gov.tw >

To: < tati@ms24.hinet.net >

Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 12:27 PM

Subject: 市長信箱回覆信件編號 : 20001009134

受文機關 : 民政局

發文機關 : 民政局

發文日期 : 2000/10/17 PM 12:27:26

發文字號 : 89.10.17北市民四字第8923122000

處理情形 :

Dear friend:

As you know, There are various opinions about Chinese-English spelling system among scholarslanguage experts and foreign friends. We just hope the decision-making process can be more openly and different opinions can be heard. We will keep collecting opinions for this subject and provide alternatives to the Executive Yuan.

Thank you for your comments.


Sincerely yours

The Bureau of Civil Affairs of Taipei City Government

Chief Hugh C.H. Lin

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