--- 請前省長宋先生保持扁、宋熱線的連絡。(Oct. 20, 2000)

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請前省長宋先生保持扁、宋熱線的連絡。(Oct. 20, 2000)

From: 楊緒東 < tati@ms24.hinet.net >

To: < pfp@pfp.org.tw >

Subject: greeting

Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 23:09:03 +0800


Mr. Soong,

We support your meeting with President A-bian that could the best picture in newspaper on yesterday.

Either warning or suggestion that is a very good start for Taiwan future at such conference.

To keep hotline for contact with each other on critical issues of Taiwan would the next steps.

Regards to you Dr yang

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