談華盛頓郵報的 Forum(論壇)
本會選擇美國四大媒體—華盛頓郵報、紐約時報、洛杉磯日報與 CNN ,由董事長本人在這些地方設立此論壇,得到各國許多的參予者來共同討論台灣、美國、中共與亞太的關係,本會未統計每日上網看 forum 的人數,不過依個人查察華盛頓郵報上網瀏覽的人數,每日皆有數萬之眾,相信有其為台宣傳的效果,這些媒體網站,每日有專人經營,水準高,格調清新,值得各位參予此事。
Sept. 3, 2000 8:31 am
From: TATI5
To: ALL筆者寫 E-mail 到 Washington Post Forum 發佈台灣立場給相關關係亞太地區和平的同好,其內容略述:聯合國的言論、信仰、需求、免於害怕的自由,是世界皆知的四大自由信念,為立國基本精神,為人類生存的最低要求。但是聯合國受強國左右,以追求利益,而行政治角力,逐漸喪失聯合國對弱國的扶持,以中、美、英、法、蘇五國常任理事國,就常因為利害衝突而違背聯合國的章程。中華民國成立於 1912 年,本為聯合國的常任理事國,其對聯合國的貢獻,早 有所聞,然中共強大之後,在台灣的中華民國成為國際孤兒,但能自立自強,造就亞洲的政經奇蹟。可是國際卻受逼於中共違反聯合國憲章的壓力下,忽視台灣的成功經驗,導至台灣的國際援助計劃,遭受不合理的阻撓。
Four Freedom On United Nations
1940--- U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt defines the American gold of the“four freedoms” Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Belief, Freedom from Want, and Freedom from Fear. The four Freedoms are the basic Human Rights in every countries, that whole members of United Nations was asked for achieving this lowest need.
On the other hand; Human Rights is superior to country's power in which humanitarianism is U.N.'s first choice. But the political aspects of humanitarian intervention remain complex in the crisis there was no serious talk of a foreign intervention force.
The only reason is that some countries' nuclear missile system and big business deal threat most western democratic country.
On August 30, 2000; a representative of the Dalai Lame read a statement on his behalf to the Millennium World Peace Summit. Since Mainland China rejects his call for an autonomous Tibet, the Nobel Peace laureate was not invited to the U.N. portion of the conference for fear of offending China – a veto-wielding member of the U.N. Security Council.
Since 1912, the Republic of China has been an independent sovereign state, and that's an indisputable fact, that ROC in Taiwan is a mature country in Asia-Pacific region that the model of democratic system created its political and economic miracles.
We respect Human Rights and urged to help weak or poor countries because of our people's humanitarian minds. We wondered about the justice spirits was down on the powers' conflict over U.N. affairs, but as to a member of global village, please let Taiwan join United Nations that Taiwan experience of political and economic miracles would help other countries for its crisis urgently.
Feb. 6, 2001 10:27 am
To: TATI5來自美國 Howard Hrt 先生來函說:台灣被聯合國承認,中共不應該老是用反 對票來對付台灣,事實上兩岸之間的問題重點,還是在軍事對峙。
It is unfortunate that Taiwan has not become a part of the U.N.
China sits there with its veto powers though and Taiwan is a juicy plum just like Hong Kong was.
Things are beginning to heat up not in a military way, but in an economic/people exchange between Taiwan and the mainland.
TAT15, if you can would you please keep us posted on the status of Taiwan in relation to current events?
Howard Hart, Asia and Pacific Forum/Delphi Forums
Feb. 7, 2001 12:47 am
From: TATI5
To: HOWARD HRT (HOWARDHART)本會回覆 Howard Hrt,告訴台灣的新狀況,台灣不斷釋出善意給北京當局,可是中共侵入台灣的立法院系統,興風作浪有之,所以台灣的民主制度需要用武力來保護。
I will tell the new condition on both sides situation.
A. Taiwan's good will postures are ignored by Beijing.
B. Communist China could intrude into legislature's system in island.
C. Taiwan democratic system needs protect by military defense system.You would review website http://taiwantt.org.tw/ --- English part Regards to you tati5
Feb. 7, 2001 9:51 am
To: TATI5Howard Hrt 回函:老外看了本會網站,認為非常有幫助,但是這位老兄卻反問,台灣如何於戰爭中疏困,面對鬥爭性中共領導如何自處?
That is a very helpful web site.
I will study it and learn.
What do you feel the present trend really is?
Will Taiwan end up as Hong Kong?
Do you think that China has a timeframe that it is using to rope Taiwan in if that is really going to happen?
Do we have a harbor that our ships use on Formosa?
There is a lot of unrest in mainland China. Do you feel that this will eventually challenge the Communist leadership?
You can answer one or all at a time.
Howard Hart, Asia Forum/Delphi Forums
Feb. 8, 2001 4:13 am
From: TATI5
To: HOWARD HRT (HOWARDHART)本會回 E-mail:台灣有真正的言論自由,故台灣人可以在任何時候發表意見與批評時政,本會在網路的表達,就是講真話。
我個人以為台海大戰,大概最少會有 30% 的台灣的人,勇於捍衛吧!
Very thanks for interview the website I gave it to you. Lived in democratic Taiwan everyone can say the truth of people's will. We won't challenge China leaders but express our situation in forum for justice.
How to keep Taiwan stability over Beijing's threat is whole Taiwanese people's wish. We learned from the history that communist China cannot give up its military power and hegemonic system to follow world market game.
China holds everything that relating about human rights and step by step release it from outside of asking for. It would focus on the value of political and business need that is the old game for sugar and bread exchange.
In Taiwan, only military force can maintain the power to negotiate with communist China, nowhere is a real harbor for Taiwanese people. As my personal thought more of 30% people could die for protecting democratic island.
Feb. 8, 2001 3:29 pm
To: TATI5Howard Hrt 回信說:您所說的與中共談判,要如何談?拿什麼談呢?
It seems that democracy and freedom of individual rights comes at a very high price for Taiwan. When you speak of negotiation, just what is there to negotiate about?
Howard Hart, Asia Forum/Delphi Forums
Jan. 31, 2001 12:47 am
To: ALLHoward Hrt 來信,引述布希總統的談話與參加就職大典之立法院王金平院長 的說法,發現台美關係的重點,還是在軍售與台海衝突的議題上,並認為要續建核 四電廠以防台灣內鬥惡化。
Taiwan Envoy to Bush Inauguration Upbeat on Future U.S. Policy
Jan 23, 2001 -- (BBC Monitoring) Text of report in English by Taiwanese Central News Agency web site.
Taipei, 22 January: Legislative Yuan President Wang Jin-pyng returned to Taipei from the United States Monday after attending the inauguration of U.S. President George W. Bush as Republic of China President Chen Shui-bian's special envoy.
Wang told reporters that he was deeply impressed by the vitality, hope, zeal and patriotism demonstrated in the 20 January presidential inauguration.
During his stay in Washington, Wang said that he held talks with Senate Republican leader Trent Lott and Democratic leader Thomas Daschle, as well as American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Chairman Richard Bush and State Department officials.
He also attended a breakfast meeting to exchange views with 10 American China experts, including former U.S. Ambassador to Beijing James Lilly, on political and economic issues in Taiwan as well as cross-Taiwan Strait relations.
Wang and other members of his mission were also invited to a candlelight dinner party on 18 January, at which the new president and other leaders of the new government were in attendance.
The push and shove between Taiwan and China is one of the main items on the agenda of the Bush Administration. More power to them. We invite your participation on this most important subject.
Howard Hart, Asia and Pacific Forum/Delphi Forums
Jan. 31, 2001 2:05 pm
The opposition-led legislature passed a resolution Wednesday demanding that Taiwan finish building its fourth nuclear plant, a move that could bring months of political feuding closer to a resolution.
Is this the direction that Taiwan should go? Voice your opinion.
Thanks for visiting Taiwan Forum ... visit again soon and share your thoughts on the issues facing Taiwan.
Howard Hart, Asia Forum/Delphi Forums
Feb. 5, 2001 5:56 pm
Deputies in Taiwan's anti-nuclear Democratic Progressive Party agreed on Monday to resume construction of a nuclear power station, raising hopes for an end to a bitter political stand-off over the plant.
Should it be finished?
Howard Hart
Jan. 28, 2001 11:30 pm
To: ALLHoward Hrt 說:中共警告美國不要干預中國內政,布希的強勢,中共毫不領情,亦考驗布希的政策。
Quote of the Day:
“China demands the U.S. government ... stop interfering in China's internal affairs on the excuse of Falun Gong, so as to avoid harming Sino-U.S. relations.”-Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Zhu Bangzao was quoted as saying by China's Xinhua news agency. Click here to read more...
It appears that China has been looking for an excuse to do a little pushing to see how strong the new Bush Administration really is.
I do not know if the Bush Administration is going to make Religious Freedom and Human Rights a high mark on their agenda, but we will soon find out.
Howard Hart, Asia Forum/Delphi Forums
Jan-28 11:51 pm
To: ALLHoward Hrt 說:中共計劃救援印度的地震災難。(本會:但是阻擾台灣赴印度的救援行動。)
China plans to send a team of seismological experts to India after the neighboring country was struck by the worst quake in five decades, state media reported on Sunday.
Howard Hart, Asia Forum/Delphi Forums
Jan. 28, 2001 11:55 pm
It is unfortunate when innocent people die due to nature or neglect. Here is a story of nature and those that did not survive. Thirteen Herdsmen Die As Snow Buries Western China's Xinjiang Region.
Howard Hart, Asia Forum/Delphi Forums
Jan. 28, 2001 11:59 pm
To: ALLHoward Hrt 說:中共正考量布希的四年任期,是否對其有任何的改變,並考慮再四年後的中美形勢,美國新政府說,到目前為止,其中國政策未變。
U.S. Insists China Policy is Unchanged (26 Jan.01)
If China is waiting for word of how its next four years may be in relation to Washington, then what it has had for the last eight years is a prelude of the next four and possibly eight years.
So brace yourself, this ride may get a little bumpy!
Howard Hart, Asia Forum/Delphi Forums
Jan. 29, 2001 12:07 am
To: ALLChinese Welcoming Year of the Snake Evening Standard (28 Jan.01)
Howard Hart, Asia Forum/Delphi Forums
Jan. 29, 2001 12:10 am
To: ALLHoward Hrt 說:北韓何以訪問中共,為了什麼?
In your opinion, how much will North Korea change its political course after Kim Jong-il's recent trip to China?
Jan. 29, 2001 10:07 pm
To: ALLHoward Hrt 說:中共建築世界最高鐵路通往西藏,是為了什麼?
China will move forward with a decades-old plan to link mountainous Tibet with the rest of China by train, building what state media on Friday claimed would be the world's highest railroad.
March 21, 2000 2:33 am
You are correct. Taiwan is reeling on the brink of disaster at the present time. The latest that I have from China is that they have turned down Taiwan offer to negotiate.
The U.S. has certain policies with Taiwan but we also have limitations to how far we will go in relation to protecting Taiwan.
I will be posting more before long on China. In the meantime, I am covering the Presidents trip to India and Pakistan. I am also covering the Popes visit to the Holy Land on my Middle East Forum also on Delphia. If you do not have this forum, I will send you a clickable invitation.
Howard Hart - Asia and Pacific Forum/Delphi Forums
March 23, 2000 2:49 am
To: ALLHoward Hrt 說:台灣與中共應訂立和約,好像台灣與中共有漸漸正面和緩的現象吧!
Taiwan and China Working at an Agreement
Late news reports indicate that Taiwan and China are moving in a positive direction toward an understanding.
Just what that understanding is I do not as yet know but I will post just as soon as I have the information.
Howard Hart - Asia and Pacific Forum/Delphi Forums
April 20, 2000 9:02 am
To: ALLHoward Hrt 說:中共的情報系統輸蘇俄甚多,現利用烏克蘭的情報員,加強情報工作。
China is using Ukrainian facilities to train several intelligence officers in technical Russian vocabulary and signals intelligence.
China has not had a modern and highly skilled intelligence organization focused on Russia. This has caused them some difficulty in their keeping up with Russia in the past year. They feel they have a need to bringing this agency up to date.
It is interesting that they have such an active cell in the U.S. and they do not even have a cell in Russia that can speak Russian or that know the signals for intelligence communication in Russia.
Further, what is there so important to them in relation to gathering intelligence in Russia?
I have posted another post in relation to this in my American Foreign Policy Forum/Delphi Forums.
If you need an invitation to participate/read on my American Foreign Policy Forum/Delphi Forums, send me an Email and I will gladly send you the invitation. How about my Middle East Forum? Same there.
Howard Hart - Asia and Pacific Forum/Delphi Forums
July 13, 2000 9:27 am
From: TATI5
To: HOWARD HRT (HOWARDHART)本會寫 E-mail,希望中共對阿扁政府展現善意,於中共發展軍事威力的同時,亞太的安全必須能確保才可以,台灣事務亦非中國的內政問題。
Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody. Every countries concerned about Taipei--Beijing relations that would ruin the peace and stability of Asia-pacific region.
Beijing could insist that the Taiwan issue is no business of the other countries. It means world's globalized order and international law are no business of the other countries.
In Taiwan side; we hope mainland China makes positive response to our olive branch, If Beijing continues to the nations of the world in the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, as to mainland China has been recently accused of helping newly nuclear Pakistan to build a missile factory , that world peace were not only big business with Beijing but also destroy world.
Taiwan faces profound and wrenching question that is world's problems in which no reason to say it was China's internal affairs again.
Dec. 20, 2000 11:55 pm
To: TATI5Howard Hrt 回信曰:全亞洲與全世界中國人,想看看台灣會不會在中共的威嚇之下,失去民主自由的立場。
TAIWAN.. IT FUTURE ROLE AND RELATIONSHIP WITH CHINA AND THE WORLD TAIWANS SIGNALS ... It seems to me that Taiwan is sending out different signals in relation to their future relationship with China. Do you confirm this and if so, is there a confusion or political struggle within Free China regarding their relationship with mainland China?
TAIWANS INDEPENDENCE ... All Asian and China watchers are concerned over the eventual surrender of Taiwan freedom to mainland China.
I am aware that China holds up Singapore as the role model of how they would manage their relationship with Taiwan once they have control of it. Do you feel that the landscape would be similar and that Taiwan would have relative freedom of economics and self government under the“two China”system that is espoused by mainland China?
U.S. DETERMINATION ... do you feel that the U.S. is really determined to support a free Taiwan if mainland China really became hostile?
You have other observations in relation to this I am sure and you are welcome to post anytime.
Howard Hart, Asia and Pacific Forum/Delphi Forums
Dec. 21, 2000 12:05 am
To: ALLHoward Hrt 說:中共加入 WTO 之後,會成為亞太經濟主流,到時候有許多人道上的堅持會被稀釋,現在中共反而控告英國、美國、荷蘭、法國、德國、南韓有關氯甲苯的傾銷。
As the time comes for China to become a member of the WTO and U.S. Officials are now targeting 2001 for this achievement, China is making charges against companies in several countries which could have far reaching reunification in their economic relationship with these countries.
Which companies and the basis is not so much the concern of this writer as is China's aggressive attitude especially on the eve of its entering the WTO.
Following is an excerpt from the report. If you would like to have a full copy of the report, Email me at howardhart@hotmail.com and request file J03152.
China Opens Anti-Dumping Investigation Into Methylene Chloride
BEIJING, Dec 20, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) China filed anti-dumping charges Wednesday against companies in Britain, the United States, Netherlands, France, Germany and South Korea, involving products which consist of over 99 percent methylene chloride, a government official said.
Methylene chloride, also known as carrene, is an organic chemical used as a distillate in paints and other materials, said an official at the ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation (MOFTEC) which is responsible for the charges. (End of excerpt ...)
I believe that Japan is also included in this charge. I would like to see a discussion on this whether you feel this an important act on the part of China or just an act for attention by them.
Howard Hart, Asia and Pacific Forum/Delphi Forums
Dec. 21, 2000 12:33 am
To: RAB40Howard Hrt 說:美國不排除台海兩岸發生戰爭的可能,但是美國對於一旦打戰,如何面對中共的侵台,則是一大難解的課題。
This interesting article has just surfaced and indicates that the U.S. brain trust is not ruling out the possibility of hostilities between Taiwan and mainland China.
It also seems that the U.S. has a commitment to support Taiwan in case such an incident happens. With the Bush Administration in place I have not heard as yet any change in the U.S. policy.
However, this news release by the Pentagon might be a shot across the bow of the new Administration that they should early on consider their policy of these two Chinas.
I would appreciate comments and further discussion in relation to this on-going problem.Below are excerpts of the recent release ... if you would like the full article, Email a request to howardhart@ hotmail.com and request file J03154.
Howard Hart Asia and Pacific Forum ... Read on ...
Pentagon Unsure of Impact of a Taiwan Conflict
WASHINGTON, Dec 20, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) The Pentagon says in a new report that it is unsure exactly how a major military conflict between arch-rivals China and Taiwan would turn out.
In a report to Congress made available on Tuesday, the Department of Defense says three significant gaps exist which could be very useful in projecting the scope of a war over the nationalist island.
“We cannot expect to predict confidently the outcome of a military conflict,”said the report, which considers the impact of the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979, under which the U.S. helps Taiwan defend itself.
Let's hear from each of you ...
Jan. 16, 2001 9:28 am
From: TATI5
To: HOWARD HRT (HOWARDHART)本會回函:台灣現階段若沒有美國的超強武力做後盾,台灣必然無法維持民主、人權、自由的現況,遲早會被中共統一,而成為集權之附屬。
Thank your concern about Taiwan situation after new government was working in both-sides' problems.
I don't believe that Beijing would give up its controlled military and political condition, even as it wants to handle free market in international routine.
If United States wants to keep its superpower at Asia-pacific region, it needs support by effective military power for balance on time over critical reaction at conflicts.
Every country in Asia are worry about that if powerful China was out of control, and so what is U.S. could do its help urgently?
Many Taiwanese people want survival on Beijing's threat but world's businessmen only to think about how to earn money over deal with China.
Without super-power country as U.S.' support that Taiwan cannot maintain its democracy, that is the reasons for many pro-unification parties do a hurry to turn to Beijing.
However, Taiwan needs express its voice to the world and supported by free countries. Please interview webside http://taiwantt.org.tw/
Jan. 16, 2001 11:01 am
To: TATI5HOWARD HRT 說:遠東已經亂成一色,美國勢力將在亞太地區受到威脅,我認為美國會把中共視為第一重點,而台灣次之,未來如何將是亞太地區的大考驗,我希望您能在此論壇多發表文章。
Thanks for your participation. We need all the input we can get on the China region and especially with Taiwan.
It appears to me that the Far East has become a“mixed-bag”especially for the U.S. presence. While China wants to be a part of the WTO, it does not wish for this to open additional opportunity for U.S. military presence in the region.
The Pacific Region economic status seems most unstable and I believe that the U.S. is not aggressive about investing big bucks in the area at this time.
Additionally, I feel that the U.S. is taking a second look at some of the contacts that Taiwan is having with mainland China. Although I feel that this is good and that the U.S. is in favor of the contacts, still, where is this leading and what affect will it have on the U.S. economic and military strength in the region?
I would like to have an extended dialogue on this and other problems in the Far East. I hope you and your friends will make this forum a regular place to express your views, frustrations and hopes for the area future.
Thanks for participating.
Howard Hart, Asia and Pacific Forum/Delphi Forums
Jan. 16, 2001 10:51 pm
To: ALLHoward Hrt 說:依我的見解,中共想介入各種糾紛之中,以提高其國際地位,並同時加緊其軍力,以謀得亞太地區的霸主地位,有以把亞太地區各國變成其前進基地,中共以美國為敵對對象,美國飛彈防禦的範圍涵蓋台灣,而中共亦加重其對台灣的 M 族飛彈佈署,雙方拉距,各有算盤,如果美國勢力在亞太示弱,則台灣的前途堪憂。
It appears to me that China considers all of the Far East Pacific their back yard to be developed, protected and consumed.
China is continuing to make moves that would assure them of supremacy in the Far East. This includes Economics with the WTO muscle and military by selling or providing state of the art military equipment and supplies to nations willing to accept Chinese support and or sales.
Chinese diplomacy is seeking to knife into any political situation where China feels it has a chance of becoming big brother. The North and South Korea equation is a typical.
The question of the U.S. will and determination in regards to Taiwan has been asked in diplomatic circles around the globe. I would venture to say that the Diplomats of the world have placed more bets on this one issue than any other.
As we are now changing the guard at the White House U.S. foreign relations is under scrutiny and evaluation. Taiwan is no exception.
The latest sign of our intent has surfaced over a new move by China to build a shield opposite Taiwan.
On the surface this should not be so disturbing except for the fact that such a shield would provide opportunity for China to cover for other military state of the art presence opposite Taiwan. The U.S. State Department has now responded with a bit NO to China on such an effort.
I feel it is based on at least two foundations. China along with Russia has opposed with vigor the plan of the U.S. to build such a protective shield. Second, such a shield would change the balance of power between mainland China and Taiwan. The U.S. sees this move as demanding that we quip Taiwan with additional fortifications to counter the China buildup. This is what the U.S. does not wish to do but evidently the gravity of the situation compels the U.S. not to allow mainland China to get an edge in case hostilities break out with Taiwan.
I expect China to play its cat and mouse game testing both Taiwan and the U.S. State Department through the Bush Administration.
Any weakness on the U.S. part will allow mainland China to open the crack even larger at the expense of Taiwan freedom and our access to that part of the Far East.
Howard Hart, Asia and Pacific Forum/Delphi Forums
Feb. 6, 2001 9:02 am
To: ALLHoward Hrt說了許多中共的好話,到現在本會才發現這位仁兄,收集 forum 的資訊,在做最後的反擊,為中共喉舌,其步驟為(1)認同本會理念(2)支持台灣主權主張(3)綜合各方意見(4)加以反駁(5)替中共宣導。
他在此 forum 說了,(1)中共在亞太地區逐漸趕上時代潮流。(2)中共最近派出一艘船,通行金馬地區,已對台灣釋出善意。(3)中共促使南北韓和解。(4)中共警告美國撤走台灣的保護傘,以防兩個中國。中共認為一擊就可以打敗台灣的防線,故不怕 NMD(區域飛彈防禦系統)。(5)中共為已經冷凍 50 年的兩岸關係解凍了。(6)中共為唯一可以保護亞太地區安全的強權。
以上是此仁兄的辯解,但是無一項可以加以讚賞,只是此人的一番對話,有些不誠實,但值得安慰的是本會與之交談內容已經引爆新的火花,凡參與 forum 的 人,皆有震撼。
China is beginning to reach out in a stronger fashion to its neighbors around the Pacific area.
China is currently sending its first boat load of passengers to Taiwan as a goodwill gesture.
China is having quiet a large hand in the reunification efforts of North and South Korea.
China is demanding that the U.S. stay out of its efforts to bring Taiwan under the Two China political umbrella.
China is not bothered about the U.S. defense of Taiwan because it feels that a first strike would bring Taiwan to its knees if China felt a first strike necessary.
However, I do not feel that such a strike would be necessary. There is a continual thawing of the old relations between the two that has endured for the past fifty years.
China is the only power in the Far East capable of bringing the different islands and countries under one political umbrella.
Howard Hart, Asia and Pacific Forum/Delphi Forums