June 16,1998---John Howard

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Taiwan Tati Cultural
And Educational Foundation
B16F, No.3 Ta-Tun 2St.
Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.
June 16, 1998.

Dear Prime Minister John Howard,

After a serious of election, we worry about the Australia's economic crisis would be coming sooner after anti-foreign investment.

We support Howard's government, one nation must become more responsible now, it was a main stream political player.

We always stressed the success of one nation and its anti-foreign investment, interventionist, pro-tariff policies would not sway Australia planned economic reforms.

As we know, that Pauline Hanson spread the word outside her Queensland power base, in cities like southern Adelaide, where hundreds of mostly elderly supporters sang along to the tune of onward Christian soldiers.

"Pauline is our mouthpiece, pointing out the foe; forward into battle, see how truth will go."

When protests against her, sometimes violent, only deepened her supporters' belief that they were under siege by the forces of political correctness.

May it be the part of reason for Australia that unemployment linked with the "Asia crisis". Unfortunately, at the recent period, many Australian made serious anxiety in which people dropped in danger of being swamped by Asians'They have their own culture and religion, form ghettos and do not assimilate what's Hanson said.

"No one control me" the twice-divorced mother(Hanson) of four told supporters on her party's inaugural national campaign tour.

Of course; in democratic country and free elective activity, no one could forbid one's speech right. Nevertheless, how to teach our voters to have a correct choice is democratic procedure.

From investigation, Australia still keep good economic condition. In Taiwan, our investments still work in perfect confidence of your government.

As our President Lee (R.O.C.) said "Don't haste, be patient" would useful for your political condition.

Hanson denies she's racist, she's just worried Australia's being swamped by Asian migrants who won't assimilate, but in the view of Asian , she act as a white supremacists.


Sincerely Yours,
Yang Hsu-Tung.
President of
Taiwan Tati Cultural
And Educational Foundation


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