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2000年美國總統George W. Bush還是德州 州長的時候,本會董事長寫信給他,闡明 Taiwan的立場,希望他能於未來的歲月協助台 灣,免於中國的侵略……。

根據美國國務院與人權特赦組織的報告, 中國人權趨向惡化,北京當局任意逮捕民主異 議人士,不遵守國際人權公約,並以內政為由 禁止國際干涉;而聯合國人權委員會主席 Mary Robinson則前往中國關切人權問題。

 隨著台灣主權意識覺醒,中國發表軍事白 皮書以「外國勢力介入」、「內亂」、「台獨 抬頭」、「無限期拒絕統一談判」等藉口意圖 發動戰爭,雖然目前中國軍事實力遠落後美國 ,但是未來數週台灣總統選舉,中國亦可能軍 嚇台灣影響選情,美國應根據台灣關係法適時 介入,讓台灣民主體制得以正常發展。

 我們呼籲美國參議院尊重民主、人權、自 決原則,提昇台灣關係法,支持台灣以國家身 份加入國際組織,穩固東亞民主力量。

 228事件經驗讓台灣完全了解與中國的不 同,台灣前途自決的道路,需要您的幫助。

                                                                                            Taiwan Tati Cultural 

                                                                                            And Educational Foundation

                                                                                            B16F, No.3 Ta-Tun 2St.

                                                                                            Taichung, Taiwan, ROC

                                                                                            February 29, 2000. 


Dear Mr. George W. Bush, 


Taiwan is a typical immigrant society where Fukien, Hakka, and mainlander converged in the same place with indigenous tribes. It's very different from the mainland. 

In the beginning, perhaps people here didn't feel so strong an urge to identify themselves as Taiwanese . But with time, people have begun to think seriously of who they are, and declaring Taiwan an independent country will be a natural and irreversible step.

 Over the past several weeks two major reports on the condition of human rights in China have been published. One was issued by the Chinese government, the other by the United States government. The two reports are so far apart in content, it is difficult to tell that they are referring to the same country.

 The Chinese government's report, which was no doubt issued in anticipation of the U.S. government's, paints an idyllic picture of a nation in which human rights are respected and honored. The Chinese government's report devotes considerable attention to the many legal and constitutional protections it provides its citizens. It also highlights the Chinese commitment to international human rights treaties and instruments. The conclusion of the Chinese government's human rights report is that all is well with human rights in China. 

The human rights group Amnesty International was quick to point out that all this was in fact getting utter nonsense and that the human rights situation in China was in fact getting worse, not better. We very much agree with Amnesty's conclusion.

The U.S. State Department's report presented a far different view of human right from that expressed by Beijing. It was very much as alpha to omega. The State Department report paints a far darker, far more realistic picture of the human rights situation in China. The language of the report is truthful and uncompromising. Its conclusion is that "The (Chinese) government's poor human rights record deteriorated markedly throughout the year as the government intensified efforts to suppress dissent, particularly organized dissent".

 Human Rights Watch described the State Department report as being refreshingly candid about the dramatic deterioration of human rights. We are also pleased that the U.S. State Department has been so direct and truthful in their report. 

This "battle of the reports" has two interesting lessons for us here in Taiwan.

 First, the human rights situation in China is a dramatic contrast to the human rights situation here in Taiwan. The number of prisoners of conscience in China is rising, here in Taiwan there is none. The numbers of political trials which fall far short of international standards are rising in China, here in Taiwan there are none. 

People's freedom of thought, of religion and of assembly are all brutally suppressed in China, here in Taiwan these rights are respected. In terms of basic human rights there could be no greater contrast than that between China and Taiwan. For this we should be thankful. 

The second lesson for Taiwan from this "battle of the reports" is the obvious fact that the Chinese government has very little regard for the truth and very little regard for its own citizens. Here in Taiwan we need to remember this basic fact whenever we hold discussions with China on any issue.

We would do well to exercise considerable caution in accepting the Chinese government's assurances on any issue. We would do well, in the words of the ancient Romans, to take China's word with a grain of salt.

Taiwan has been more aggressive in improving its hi-tech weaponry following the island's first direct presidential vote in 1996. During the election, China tested nuclear-capable missiles near the island's two main ports, prompting the United States to send warships to the region to ease tensions. 

We concerned that Taiwan's March 18 presidential vote just weeks away. China issued a policy paper that last week (Feb. 22, 2000) threatening to use force against the island, if it puts off talks on reunification indefinitely.

Mainland Alert

Feb. 29, 2000 ---

Chinese President Jiang Zemin has issued an alert for People's Liberation Army forces including on the coast along the Taiwan strait, a newspaper reported yesterday.

Jiang, also head of the Central Military Commission, signed decrees ordering the military regions of Nanjing, Jinan, Beijing and other units including the East China Fleet to go on alert from February 23, Chinese-language daily The Sun, said citing unnamed insiders in Beijing.

"We want peace, and not war, but we are not afraid of war," Jiang was quoted as saying by the newspaper, calling on the forces to be prepared mentally, economically and militarily in the war against Taiwan's independence moves.

Independence Stance

Feb. 29, 2000 ---

Pro-Taiwan independence senior advocate Koo Kuan-min said at a press conference yesterday that if the chance of Chinese Communist attack could be eliminated, Taiwan would have a considerable 80 to 90 percent who favor independence.

The mainland would not really use force against Taiwan unless the Chinese Communist's military capability were way ahead of the U.S., Koo said, judging from the United States' strong reaction to the mainland's cross-strait white paper.

Feb. 29, 2000, the report from Beijing ---

Police beat to death a Falun Gong follower unable to pay a fine, a rights group reported yesterday, and the parents of two jailed activists in the banned spiritual movement have asked China's leaders to release their daughters.

The report of the death of Chen Zixiu and the petition to free the jailed Li sisters come just before a visit to Beijing by the U.N. human rights chief, an event likely to energize Falun Gong practitioners to renew their protest campaign against the government's seven-month ban.

Mary Robinson's visit Wednesday and Thursday occurs ahead of Washington's plans to censure China at the annual session of the U.N. Human Rights Commission. The U.S. government has pointed to the crackdown on Falun Gong among other actions as evidence of China's deteriorating respect for human rights.

In reporting Chen's death, the Hong Kong-based Information Center of Human Rights and Democratic Movement in China urged Robinson to speak out and not let Chinese leaders use her as a "flower vase" to mask abuses during her stay.

Review of Beijing's white paper, it will threaten Taiwan with force over the condition of

● foreign invasion 

● internal chaos 

● provocation of independence 

● keeps on refusing reunification talks indefinitely

Feb. 29, 2000 ---

Independent presidential candidate James Soong affirmed yesterday, "I don't think anyone is capable of selling out Taiwan." "The future of Taiwan should be decided by its 23 million people and not by the Kuomintang, Democratic Progressive Party or even the Chinese Communist Party." "It is dangerous to let a single party to negotiate with China, he added."

Why the Taiwan Security Enhancement Act is needed ?

Feb. 9, 2000 ---

In conclusion, the TSEA is a welcome supplement to the Taiwan Relations Act. It states more clearly than ever before that it is U.S. Policy that the future status of Taiwan requires the democratically-expressed consent of the people to Taiwan, and it provides for much-needed military cooperation and coordination between Taiwan and the United States.

We urge the United States Senate to stand up for the principles of democracy, human rights, and self-determination, and support the people of Taiwan in their quest to have their nation be accepted by the international community as a full and equal member. This is the best guarantee for stability in East Asia. The TSEA is a welcome first step in the direction.

Feb. 28, 1947 ---

The 228 incident taught us what a costly price is to be paid if two different societies are forced to merge. Taiwan and communist China are now two totally separate entities, with different ethnic make-up, cultures, political system. We must examine this carefully in our discussion of Taiwan's future.

So, Taiwan needs your support.

                                                     Yours Sincerely,

                                                     Yang Hsu-Tung. 


                                                     Taiwan Tati Cultural 

                                                     And Educational Foundation

 ※The book (For Taiwan V) is our millennium's gift for you. I wish you to complete new hope in the near future.


有人會問,何以知道 George W. Bush 會當選 美國總統?此乃天意,凡天命者,天知、地知 、您知、我知。

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